How to Keep Your Commercial Kitchen Ventilation in Top Shape


The efficiency and safety of your commercial kitchen ventilation system are critical. In fact, not only does a well-maintained hood and ventilation system ensure a comfortable and safe working environment, it also plays an important role in the longevity of your kitchen equipment. Ensuring your hood and vent system is in top condition not only contributes to a healthier work environment, it also helps you stay in compliance with safety regulations. At, we understand the importance of keeping your kitchen running smoothly and safely. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of products designed to meet all your commercial kitchen ventilation needs. From hood filters and upblast exhaust fans to grease containment systems and hood cleaning supplies, we’ve got you covered. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can keep your commercial hood systems functioning at its best with the right care and products. Continue reading

make-up air supply units for commercial kitchens

Think of a restaurant’s kitchen during a busy hour. Chefs are bustling about, and the air is filled with the aroma of cooking. Right there, quietly and efficiently working away, are the make-up air supply units. It might not grab your attention like a flaming grill, but it’s doing a lot behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. In a commercial kitchen, where every detail counts, the make-up air supply ensures that the environment remains balanced and safe.

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Looking towards 2024, rapid evolution in the restaurant industry brings new trends and technologies that shape commercial kitchen ventilation. This article explores these emerging trends and their implications for restaurant ventilation, a crucial aspect of any food service establishment.

Embracing New Culinary Trends

Upcoming years will see a mix of innovative culinary trends and new operational strategies in the restaurant industry. We’re seeing a rise in world stage soups and stews, like birria and upscale ramen, and global influences in dishes such as international BBQ and global chicken wings. As these trends demand versatile kitchen setups, choosing the right restaurant exhaust systems, including efficient hood filters, becomes crucial for handling various cooking methods. Continue reading

compact kitchen ventilation

In the bustling restaurant industry, small commercial kitchens demonstrate that size isn’t everything. With their compact range hoods and cooktop vents, these spaces are fully capable of delivering mouth-watering dishes. However, these spaces face challenges, especially in terms of efficiency and functionality. One key element in these tight quarters is proper range exhaust and hood systems ventilation. It’s not just about keeping the air clear. It’s also about creating a safe, comfortable, and creatively conducive work environment. Firstly, we’ll explore how small kitchens and food trucks with range exhaust hoods and cooktop vent hoods can maximize their efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring every inch of space is used to its full potential. Continue reading


In the bustling world of restaurants, understanding every commercial kitchen ventilation component can feel like decoding a complex puzzle. From the sizzle of the grill to the whirl of the exhaust, each piece plays a crucial role in crafting those delightful dishes. However, while the culinary arts get their well-deserved limelight, there’s another realm of expertise lurking in the shadows: the intricacies of commercial kitchen ventilation.

Just like you wouldn’t prepare a dish without understanding its ingredients, it’s essential to know the components of your commercial kitchen ventilation system and how they function. Not only does this knowledge ensure a safer environment, but it can also save you money, prevent unforeseen issues, and boost the overall efficiency of your commercial kitchen hood system.

Whether you’re setting up a new restaurant, revamping an existing one, or merely satiating your curiosity, this guide will help simplify the sometimes-baffling terms of commercial kitchen ventilation. So, let’s get started and dive into these commercial kitchen ventilation terms you need to know. Having a good understanding of these technical terms will contribute to a smoothly running kitchen. Continue reading

Tailoring Your Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood and Fan System for Peak Performance

Step into the world of commercial kitchens, where the blend of flavors and fragrances isn’t the only magic at work. While chefs and ingredients usually steal the spotlight, let’s not overlook your commercial kitchen hood systems—the silent workhorse that makes all the difference. Trust us, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t always cut it here. Each kitchen has distinct needs, and that’s why customizing your commercial kitchen exhaust hood and fan system can revolutionize how your kitchen performs. Stick around, and we’ll tell you why tailoring your commercial kitchen exhaust hood and fan system is not only easier than you think but also a game-changer for your kitchen’s performance. Continue reading

restaurant hood system

There’s no denying the importance of having good air quality in both the kitchen and the dining areas of restaurants. If you’re experiencing some of these common problems with your restaurant hood system, it might be time to upgrade. Whether it’s your upblast exhaust fan, your restaurant hood system, or grease containment, a well-maintained ventilation system will keep your staff and customers more comfortable, keep your kitchen cleaner, and greatly reduce your risk of fire.

Commercial kitchen exhaust system improve air quality by removing grease, smoke, and heat produced by cooking. There’s no denying that indoor air quality and hood ventilation system is a major concern for all businesses in the food service industry, both big and small. While improving air quality is one of the best reasons to keep your restaurant hood system up to date, there are also other reasons. Continue reading


You’ve probably heard before that exhaust hood systems are one of the most important parts of a restaurant kitchen. They pull smoke, heat and odor up from cooking surfaces, into the hood, and then exhaust it to the outside. Not only does this protect employees and make the kitchen more comfortable, it also protects the restaurant facility. While the ventilation hood does help remove these contaminants, some of them do end up stuck inside the hoods and the ductwork in the form of grease, oil, and even creosote buildup. And this buildup can lead to potentially dangerous situations. That’s why exhaust hood cleaning is so crucial to every restaurant ventilation system. Read on to learn more about vent hood cleaning tips for commercial kitchens and restaurants.

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Type II Condensate Hood

Even in the dead of winter, a restaurant kitchen can get searingly hot and steamy. That’s just one reason why in addition to the usual required grease hoods, you should also have Type II condensate hoods in your commercial kitchen. Commercial kitchen appliances create a large amount of steam and heat which can greatly increase ambient temperatures in confined kitchen spaces. Continue reading

restaurant hood and fan systems

Restaurant hood and fan systems are available in many different types and styles. The one you choose for your commercial kitchen or restaurant will depend on your intended use. The two most common types of restaurant hood and fan systems are Type I and Type II ventilation hoods. All restaurant ventilation systems have the same basic parts: the ventilation hood, the exhaust duct, and the exhaust fan. But let’s have a closer look at what makes these two types of exhaust systems different from each other. Continue reading