tips for reopening your restaurant
    Make sure your restaurant ventilation is ready for you to reopen your kitchen now that restrictions and mandates regarding on-premise dining restrictions continue to be removed. More and more restaurants are reopening their doors to customers but even if you’ve already reopening, you might also be overdue for some deep spring cleaning. Either way, these tips for reopening a commercial kitchen post-pandemic will help make sure your restaurant is in tip-top shape and ready for customers. Continue reading


food truck ventilation


When businesses began to shut down and send employees to work from home, a lot of food truck owners struggled to find customers. Food trucks and mobile kitchens survived by focusing on residential neighborhoods. They also served frontline workers from outside of hospitals, visited police precincts, and frequented fire departments. They set up in the parking lots of essential businesses and some even located themselves at highway rest areas.

With the flexibility to change their operations as the restrictions and needs of their customers shifted, many food trucks not only were able to stay open, but in some cases, were even able to thrive. Continue reading


PPE and sanitizing supplies for commercial kitchens and restaurants

Meeting safety requirements has always been an essential part of restaurant and commercial kitchen management but with the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, restaurant safety has taken on a whole new level of importance. If you want to keep your restaurant open for business, you need to have the right PPE and sanitation supplies to protect both your staff and your customers.

Read on to learn more about how OSHA standards apply to the pandemic, how to determine your staff’s level of risk, and how to reduce the spread of COVID-19 with PPE such as face masks, and by using disinfectants and sanitizing in your commercial kitchen. Continue reading