Not sure if you need a spark arrestor hood filter for solid fuel cooking in your commercial kitchen?

Spark arrestor hood filters are used in commercial kitchen exhaust hoods to stop airborne sparks and embers from entering your ventilation duct. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire code requires spark arrestors to be installed in any ventilation hood installed over a cooking appliance that uses solid fuel.

Watch this short video to find out.

Find everything you need for your commercial kitchen hood system at If you have any questions about the spark arrestor hood filter that’s right for you, please call us at 877.394.9731, email us, or visit us online at Our product specialists are always happy to help!

Dangers of Solid Fuel Cooking

Sometimes it makes sense to cook with solid fuel in your commercial kitchen. However, because of the unique risks associated with solid fuel appliances, it’s important to mitigate the dangers of cooking with solid fuel.

What is Solid Fuel?
Examples include mesquite, briquettes, charcoal and hardwood. These are highly combustible materials that dial up the threat of commercial kitchen fires.

What Restaurants Use Solid Fuel?
Pizzerias and restaurants serving gourmet smoked meat are most likely to use solid fuel. It offers a wider array of cooking capabilities that lend a unique flavor to certain dishes. This has the potential to bring in more business, which is why it’s the preferred fuel for some restaurants.

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