Upblast Exhaust Fan Parts

Know Your Fan Upblast Exhaust Fan

Understanding the parts of an restaurant exhaust fan is important when selecting new restaurant kitchen ventilation system equipment. It can also be very helpful knowledge for anyone involved in taking care of the routine maintenance and cleaning of upblast exhaust fan. Even if you aren’t doing the actual maintenance and cleaning yourself, it will allow you to better communicate with those who do. And when it comes to inspection reports, it is always a good idea to know your upblast exhaust fan base assembly from your wheel assembly.

Our Restaurant Exhaust Fan 101 Guide has a detailed parts diagram showing more than 20 different parts of an upblast exhaust fan for anyone wanting to do a deep dive. But for most people, a basic overview will be enough. So let’s get to it!

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Exhaust fan hinges are required by law on upblast exhaust fans.

Restaurant exhaust fan hinges are one of the most important yet overlooked fan accessories. Exhaust fan hinges are not just required by NFPA 96 fire code, but they are probably also required by local ordinances and most likely, your insurance company.

Even if you already know that you are required to install exhaust fan hinges and you’ve heard that they are crucial, you still might be wondering exactly why.

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Driploc Exhaust Fan Hinge Kit


An exhaust fan hinge kit is required to be installed on any restaurant exhaust fan serving a kitchen grease exhaust. This requirement is set forth by the National Fire Protection Association NFPA #96 fire code standards. Many fire marshal and local codes – even insurance companies – also require the installation of exhaust fan hinge kits. So exactly why is having a hinge kit so important? In order to better understand the benefits of exhaust fan hinge kits, it’s helpful to first learn a little bit about what a hinge kit actually does. Continue reading

Driploc Exhaust Fan Hinge Kit
The Driploc Oversized Exhaust Fan Hinge Kit makes it simple to securely attach an upblast exhaust fan to a curb that is a different size. Once the fan hinge has been properly installed, you’ll be able to safely and easily prop up the exhaust fan for quick cleaning and maintenance.

With the proper tools and an easy to follow tutorial, the entire process of installing the Driploc Hinge Kit should only take 15 to 20 minutes. Continue reading