Do you know the basic parts of an upblast exhaust fan? Here’s what they are and why you should.


Upblast Exhaust Fan Parts

Know Your Fan Upblast Exhaust Fan

Understanding the parts of an restaurant exhaust fan is important when selecting new restaurant kitchen ventilation system equipment. It can also be very helpful knowledge for anyone involved in taking care of the routine maintenance and cleaning of upblast exhaust fan. Even if you aren’t doing the actual maintenance and cleaning yourself, it will allow you to better communicate with those who do. And when it comes to inspection reports, it is always a good idea to know your upblast exhaust fan base assembly from your wheel assembly.

Our Restaurant Exhaust Fan 101 Guide has a detailed parts diagram showing more than 20 different parts of an upblast exhaust fan for anyone wanting to do a deep dive. But for most people, a basic overview will be enough. So let’s get to it!

The Main Parts of an Upblast Exhaust Fan

Upblast exhaust fan systems are made up of 5 main parts. Starting from the bottom up, you have the roof curb, the fan base, the shaft, the fan bowl, and then inside of the fan bowl, you’ll find the wheel assembly with the kitchen exhaust fan motor and fan blades.

One commonly asked question is what is the difference between a roof curb and a fan base. In this short video, we show you exactly what these two parts look like and where they are located.

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