Rooftop upblast exhaust fans are an important part of your commercial kitchen ventilation system. Located on the roof, they are often overlooked but the work they do is very important: removing smoke, grease, odors, moisture, hot air to improve the indoor air quality for your entire facility. And if you want your commercial kitchen to run smoothly, it is important to know how to install a restaurant exhaust fan properly.

There are two basic reasons you might need to install a commercial kitchen exhaust fan. The first reason is replacing an old fan, and the second most reason is as part of a brand-new commercial kitchen hood system you are setting up. No matter what reason you have for installing a new upblast fan, the more prepared you are, the more smoothly your installation will go. Read on for a few tips and to learn more about installing a rooftop ventilator for your commercial kitchen ventilation system. Continue reading