Exhaust fan roof curbs may not the most well-known part of a restaurant exhaust fan setup, but they are important and they serve a vital function.

If you don’t know what a roof curb is or you’ve always wondered why you need one, then this blog article is for you.

Read on to learn more about the purpose of installing an exhaust fan roof curb and why it is such an essential component in your commercial kitchen ventilation system.

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What do you do when your restaurant exhaust fan won’t fit the roof curb? Use a roof curb adapter, of course. But what is a curb adapter, and why or how does this connectivity issue ever happen in the first place? Let’s take a look. Continue reading

What is a rooftop exhaust fan roof curb adapter?

Whether you are installing a new upblast exhaust fan or replacing an old one, the fan will need to rest on top of a roof curb to help keep secure it and keep it in place. If you are replacing an old exhaust fan unit for a commercial kitchen ventilation system, it is typically a good idea to use the same exact size as what was previously installed to help ensure a good fit onto existing roof curbs for exhaust fans. However, this may not always be possible.

Sometimes, there are situations where the existing exhaust fan curb adapters do not match the size of the fan you need to install. While you could certainly replace the entire system including the roof curb and build from scratch, there is a simpler and more cost effective way to address the problem. The easiest way to deal with exhaust fans that don’t match roof curbs for exhaust fans is to purchase a rooftop unit curb adapter. Continue reading