exhaust-fan-grease-catcherRooftop exhaust fan grease catchers are used to collect grease and oil discharge from commercial kitchen upblast exhaust fans. Who needs one? Well, if your kitchen or restaurant only bakes or steams food, you’re only producing heat and moisture.

In this case, you probably don’t need an exhaust fan grease catcher. However, if any of your cooking produces smoke or grease vapors, you definitely need a rooftop grease trap. Now, let’s talk about why. Continue reading

Rooftop Grease Containment System

Whether your facility is a restaurant, a banquet hall, or a senior center, managing a commercial kitchen takes a lot of skill, expertise, and hard work. It also requires a significant amount of both time and money. And chances are, when you spend that much effort on your business, you’ll want to protect your investment with a rooftop grease containment system.

Want to keep your commercial kitchen operating smoothly and safely? Read on to learn 5 ways a rooftop grease containment system is a simple and easy way to protect your business from a variety of costly, time consuming, and sometimes deadly rooftop grease related hazards. Continue reading