Protecting Your Restaurant: How a Rooftop Grease Containment System Can Save You Money and Headaches


If you’re running a commercial kitchen, one of the most important aspects to consider is your exhaust and ventilation system. And a crucial part of that system is the rooftop grease containment. So why is a rooftop grease containment system so important? Well, allowing grease, fats, and oils from your upblast exhaust fan to drain out onto the roof of your building can be detrimental in several ways—and the benefits of keeping grease, fats, and oils off of your rooftop are numerous. Rooftop grease containment systems can save you money and headaches. So, let’s take a closer look at how installing one can help you.

Protect Your Roof

Grease buildup can cause serious damage over time, leading to costly repairs or even complete roof replacement. When grease spills onto a roof, it can seep into the tiny cracks and crevices between the roofing materials, where it can cause a range of problems.

Damage to roofing material

One of the most common issues that can result from exposure to grease is the breakdown of the roofing material. The grease can cause asphalt shingles to soften and become less durable, which can lead to cracking and breakage over time. The grease can also weaken the adhesives that hold the roofing material in place, which can cause them to come loose and degrade.

In addition to the immediate damage caused by rooftop grease, it can also attract dirt and debris, which can accumulate on the roof over time. Without rooftop grease containment, this can further damage the roof and create additional problems such as water leaks and mold growth. A rooftop grease containment system can help to protect the roofing materials from deterioration.

rooftop grease containment systems

Reduce Your Fire Risk

Of course, the most important benefit of a rooftop grease containment system is its ability to keep your kitchen safe. Grease fires are a major hazard in commercial kitchens, and they can cause serious damage. Rooftop grease can also create a fire hazard if it comes into contact with materials such as wood, paper, or dry leaves that may be present on the roof. A fire could quickly spread, causing significant damage to the roof and potentially to the entire structure. If you have a rooftop grease containment system in place, it can help to prevent fires by capturing and containing any grease that may spill or drip.

Minimize fire risk by containing rooftop grease

By using a rooftop grease containment system, these risks are minimized, and the roof remains cleaner and safer. That said, accidents do happen. When you have a grease spill on your roof, it’s best to deal with it immediately. One way to do that is with an EPA approved rooftop grease neutralizer that dissolves rooftop grease and oils, allowing you to safely rinse it away by hose or just wait for the next rainfall.

Make Your Roof Safer For Workers

Grease can create a safety hazard for workers who may need to access the roof for maintenance or repairs. Accumulated grease and oil can make the roof slippery and unstable, increasing the risk of slips, falls, and other accidents. In addition, the presence of grease and oil on the roof can create a fire hazard, especially if the exhaust fan is not cleaned regularly because it is hard to access.

Rooftop grease containment doesn’t have to cost a fortune

Using a rooftop grease containment system will allow your exhaust fan to be accessed safely and significantly reduce the risk of injury to those who are doing so. Grease catcher rooftop grease containment systems offer an economical solution Economical and uncomplicated grease containment solutions. Lightweight and rust-proof, it is easy to install, available in three sizes, and uses easy to replace absorbent grease pillows.

Avoid Attracting Rodents and Pests

Risk of damage

Allowing grease, fats, and oils to drain onto the roof can attract rodents such as rats and mice. These pests are attracted to the strong smell of the grease and oil and may be drawn to the roof where they can build nests and cause damage to the building by gnawing and burrowing, which can compromise the integrity of the roof structure. Rodents can also chew through electrical wires, insulation, and roofing materials, which can result in water leaks, electrical issues, and other damage to things like your exhaust fan motor that may be expensive to repair.

Health hazards

Additionally, rodents can create a health hazard for workers and customers. They can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, such as salmonella and hantavirus, which can cause serious illnesses. The presence of rodents and their droppings can also lead to unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions, which can negatively impact the reputation of the business. Without a rooftop grease containment system, you may also attract other pests, such as insects and birds, which can cause additional problems. For example, birds may build nests on the roof, which can block drainage systems and cause water buildup. Insects may also cause damage to the roof structure and pose additional health risks.

Want to learn more about how to choose the right rooftop grease containment system for your commercial kitchen? Check out this blog article on the food service blog.

Protect the Environment

EPA regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not allow restaurants to drain rooftop grease into water supplies for several reasons. First, when grease is discharged into the water supply, it can create a film on the surface of the water that reduces the amount of oxygen that can enter the water. This can cause harm to aquatic life that relies on oxygen in the water to survive. In addition, the grease can also release harmful chemicals into the water that can be dangerous to human health. Rooftop grease containment is a great way to ensure you are properly disposing of grease effluent from your upblast exhaust fan.

Stormwater and sewer systems

Another environmental issue caused by grease is that is can create blockages in sewage pipes, which can lead to sewage backups and overflows. This can result in water pollution and health hazards for people who come into contact with the sewage. Many local and state regulatory agencies require restaurants to install rooftop grease containment systems to prevent grease from spilling onto the roof and entering stormwater systems.

By installing a grease containment system, a restaurant can ensure compliance with regulations and avoid potential fines or legal penalties. For example, the Omni Grease Gutter line of rooftop grease containment products features their hydrophobic filter technology to help with EPA waste water compliance and waste water pollutant mitigation.

OMNI Grease Gutter Sidekick rooftop grease containment system

In Conclusion

If you’re still unsure about whether a rooftop grease containment system is right for your commercial kitchen, consider the benefits. By preventing grease from accumulating on the roof, a rooftop grease containment system can help you reduce fire risk, reduce the need for costly roof repairs and maintenance, protect workers from injury, keep pests away, and reduce the risk of pollution and environmental damage as well as avoid potential fines and legal penalties. In short, rooftop grease containment systems will ultimately save you money in the long run.

At HoodFilters, we offer a range of exhaust hood systems and accessories, including Driploc rooftop grease containment systems. Our team of experts can help you find the right system for your commercial kitchen. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you keep your restaurant and kitchen safe and efficient with a rooftop grease containment system.Call 877-394-9731, send an email to, or chat live online at